Mary Paonessa

Patient Experience Coordinator

Mary Paonessa
Patient Experience Coordinator

Education and Prior Experience
Mary graduated with a BA in Psychology with Distinction and was the Recipient of the H.H. Knoll Scholarship Award and Psychology Book Price Award for Research. Mary has 30-plus years in a social service career in social housing. She has taken extensive courses in conflict resolution and conflict mediation. She has 30 years of experience in Mental Health First Aid, Crisis Intervention, Multicultural Sensitivity Training, Addiction and Mental Health, Polarity Management, Change Management/Leading Change Workshop, Community Relations, Community Development, Diversity Training, OH & S Certification, Health and Safety Training, AODA Comprehensive Training and Customer Service.

After Hours
Mary’s greatest joy is her grandchildren. She loves to spend time with family and friends especially family barbeques and picnics, dinner with friends and visits to local wineries. She also enjoys daily walks, reading and travelling.

English and Italian